Federico García - Abogado especialista en derecho aeronáutico y transporte
Federico García, abogado en Parra Rodríguez Abogados, experto en derecho aeronáutico y transporte.

The Rebirth of Colombia’s trains: Driving Progress, Connectivity and Sustainability

Railway projects in Colombia are synonymous with progress, efficiency, and sustainability.

2024 was marked by a significant increase in freight and passenger transport within the Colombian railway system, as well as the incorporation of new freight generators and transport operators.

A comparison with 2023 shows that in 2024, the Bogotá – Belencito corridor transported more than 57,000 tons of freight (a 148.2% increase) and half a million passengers (21.3% more). Meanwhile, La Dorada – Chiriguaná corridor handled 225,000 tons of freight (a 23.3% increase) and 71,500 passengers (almost a 20% increase), according to data from the ANI (National Infrastructure Agency).

With this increase, we are now witnessing the first steps in the reactivation of the train network in Colombia.

This is just the beginning of the system’s revitalization. Several projects are underway that will strengthen the country’s connectivity, facilitating the transport of goods and passengers while promoting economic and social development.

Among them is the first line of Bogotá’s Metro, which has been widely discussed, and which recently reached a 50% construction milestone.

Alongside the metro is the Regiotram de Occidente, a project that will be Colombia’s first fully electric commuter train. This project, which will benefit more than 130,000 daily passengers, will reduce travel times between Facatativá and Bogotá from approximately three hours to less than 55 minutes.

This suburban train system will be integrated with other transport systems in Bogotá such as TransMilenio and the future metro.

In regards with freight transport, the first railway Public-Private Partnership (PPP) project will be responsible for strengthening and operating La Dorada – Chiriguaná corridor. The concession is set to be awarded on 3 April, 2025, although it is worth noting that this process has been delayed four times so far.

In addition, several major projects are underway, each at different stages of progress and with their own challenges. The third line of the Medellín metro, the Pacific Corridor, the Valle commuter train, the Regiotram del Norte, the second line of the Bogotá metro and others are underway.

The revival of the system has brought its own challenges, such as delays, budget cuts, political disputes, uncertainty about continuity after presidential elections, lack of clear regulation, and, of course, uncertainty about financing mechanisms.

Despite this, reactivation is underway, and the rail system is having an immense positive impact. The system has been proven to reduce logistical costs by 5% to 15% and has provided companies with efficiencies and savings in the transportation of goods. The system allows large volumes of freight to be transported at much lower cost.

In addition, given Colombia’s geography, rail transport offers a more stable solution than road transport, particularly in linking the country’s interior to its ports, thus facilitating international trade.

The train has the potential to become the key driver of the country’s economic and social development, bringing connectivity, efficiency, competitiveness, and true sustainability.

According to the ANI’s 2024 Management Report, the rail network is the second most important for freight transport in the country, surpassed only by the road network.

This shows that Colombia is working to achieve synergy between logistics networks. Intermodal transport connects rural and urban areas, producers and consumers, strengthens ties between regions, and brings life and movement throughout the country.

In Colombia, the train has ceased to be a relic of the past and has turned into a symbol of progress and development.

However, for all the elements discussed in this article to work properly, clear and consistent rules are needed. An established legal framework would provide long-term sustainability and legal certainty for all stakeholders.

For example, the ratifying The Luxembourg Protocol to the Cape Town Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment would allow access to financing backed by international interests. This would allow rolling stock investors to protect their investments.

We are facing a huge opportunity to make a leap toward progress. With the rail system, we can reduce inequality between rural areas and cities, contribute to sustainability, and develop a competitive and efficient market. As a country, we must ensure that reactivation continues over time and that development does not stop.


Federico García Gutiérrez

Published: wednesday, march 19, 2025 / Asuntos legales / La República 


Carrera 9 No. 74-08 Oficina 504/ Bogotá, D.C. 110221, Colombia
 Tel.: + 57 1 601 5185034 + 57 601 3764200 fax: +57 601 3761707



Carrera 9 No. 74-08 Oficina 504 / Bogotá, D.C. 110221, Colombia 
Tel.: + 57 6013764200 +57(1) 3764200 + 57 1 6015185034 +57(1) 5185034 fax: + 57 6013761707 +57(1) 3761707
Daniel Abril Parra - Paralegal en Parra Rodríguez Abogados

Daniel Abril Parra

Contacto: daniel.abril@pralaws.com

Internacionalista con énfasis en Gobierno y Gerencia Pública y estudiante de Octavo semestre de Derecho con mención en Estudios Legales Europeos y Derecho Internacional. Principalmente, apoya a los abogados en la revisión de contratos y en materia de investigación para dar asesoría a clientes nacionales e internacionales en el desarrollo de transacciones transfronterizas, procesos de insolvencia y constitución de garantías mobiliarias.

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Daniel Abril Parra - Paralegal en Parra Rodríguez Abogados

Daniel Abril Parra

Contacto: daniel.abril@pralaws.com

Internacionalista con énfasis en Gobierno y Gerencia Pública y estudiante de Octavo semestre de Derecho con mención en Estudios Legales Europeos y Derecho Internacional. Principalmente, apoya a los abogados en la revisión de contratos y en materia de investigación para dar asesoría a clientes nacionales e internacionales en el desarrollo de transacciones transfronterizas, procesos de insolvencia y constitución de garantías mobiliarias.

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